Live With Wonder Every day

While there’s no one size fits all, I believe the key to a good life is to find joy in everyday pleasures. For me, writing is one of those. Dipping into imagination and creating worlds brings an indescribable feeling.

I am currently working on a story called Echo of the Wicked. It was initially called Echoes of Camelot because it takes place after Arthur’s death. Since the main character isn’t in the original legend, I decided to not use Camelot in the title.

Many authors in the process of writing struggle with one question: to self-publish or to try the traditional route? I’m not completely sure yet, but I think I may go the indie author route.

I am hoping to be finished with it by 2024. If you enjoy tales of adventure, magic, and entering a villain era then this fantasy book might be for you. Stay tuned to see how it develops.